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2008 Presidential Election: Ron Paul?

2008 Presidential Election: Ron Paul?

The way I see the 2008 presidential election is that you have Ron Paul and everybody else for the Republicans. The Republican Party has become very weird in recent years, very militant and aggressive. Many claiming to be Christians in many cases, yet being anti-poor, for torture of prisoners, and in many other cases opposed to the teachings of Jesus Christ. I think the Republican Party may represent apostate Christianity. The only notable difference is Ron Paul. He is more the old fashioned Dwight Eisenhower Republican that many of them were before they started going crazy. So I support Ron Paul as the Republican nominee.

For the Democratic Party I think there is a question about what they really stand for. Many Democrats think the Republicans stole the elections in 2000 and 2004. But it also seemed that John above link to continue reading about 2008 Presidential Election : Ron Paul?

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